The Five Minute Theory Podcast bite sized chunks of theory goodness help you pass your theory test first time.
Welcome to the Five Minute Theory Podcast. As always, I am your splendid host Terry Cook of TCDrive, and I'm delighted that you have chosen to listen and I'm delighted to be here to give you some wisdom by giving you bite sized chunks of theory goodness to help you pass your theory test. Hopefully first time. And today we're going to be diving into specific theory test questions around country roads and what can be coming towards you. But before we dive into that, just a quick reminder that at the end of the episode I will be giving you my recommended resource of the week and you can find all these resources over at Go into the blog section and you can find the blogs for these episodes with links to the resources over there, or you can find them in the show notes themselves for this episode. But on the to today's Theory test question, it's a specific one that comes up on the practice apps. So, you're on a country road, what should you expect to see coming towards you on your side of the road? That's the question. You're on a country road, what should you expect to see coming towards you on your side of the road? A - Motorcycles B - Bicycles, C - Pedestrians D - Horse riders I don't like this question. I think it's a little bit daft in the sense of all of them could be coming towards you. I think the word there is expect isn't necessarily the best word. You wouldn't expect to see any of them, but you might anticipate all of them. However, the questions driving at something specific and to get to that specific point, we need to look at them. So, when you think of motorcycles, motorcycles generally are going to be going the same direction as you, so they shouldn't be coming towards you on your side of the road. Now admittedly they could be driving on the wrong side for some reason, like there's a parked vehicle they have to go around or something like that, but they shouldn't be, so we shouldn't expect them to be, even though potentially we should anticipate. Same with bicycles. Now, bicycles, again, they should be going in the same direction on your side of the road. Then we're going to skip down to horse riders. Same again, they should be going on your side of the road, same direction as you. And the question specifically asks what should you expect to see coming towards you on your side of the road? Well, pedestrians, the Highway Code states that pedestrians should walk towards oncoming traffic. So, if we're on that country road and there's no pavement and they're walking in the road, they should be on your side of the road walking towards you. Now, they do this so that pedestrians have a better view of what's coming up. We can see them, they can see us. That's the big kind of goal around it. Ideally, when they see you coming, what they'll do is, if they can, they'll step to the side, and by step into the side, that gives you time to come round. But what you'll probably have to do is slow down a bit, hold back and give them opportunity to move across or wait until there's a safe space to go around. You may even have to stop. If you have to stop, you have to stop. You're not allowed to run people over and you're not allowed to crash into other vehicles, so you may have to stop until the situation clears. However, going back to this theory test question: you're on a country road, what should you expect to see coming towards you on your side of the road? Motorcycles shouldn't be there, so we shouldn't expect it. Bicycles shouldn't be there, so we shouldn't expect it. Horse riders shouldn't be there, so we shouldn't expect it. But pedestrians are encouraged to walk towards oncoming traffic for the reasons we've just discussed. So hopefully that covers that question for you. It's one that gets asked a lot by my learners, ones that they're not sure about, so hopefully that covers that for you. And let's take a quick look now at this week's Resource of the Week. One that's recommended for me and it's one that you may guess I'm going to recommend, it’s my very own Five Minute Theory training course. So, there's a training course called the Five Minute Theory Training Course and it's full of videos that cover all of the theory test side of it. So, there's over 40 training videos in there. They are usually less than five minutes that take you through all the rules of the road, pretty much everything you need to know to pass that theory test. All the stuff in there, so go check it out. The best place to find that is at Or if you go to the Show Notes, you can find a link to take you straight there. So it's a Five Minute Theory training course, over 40 training videos, and it's a brilliant accompaniment to these podcasts as well. So, I hope that you are enjoying season Four of The Five Minute Theory Podcast. I hope that you find in the episodes useful, I hope that you find in these resources useful and checking them out. Make sure that if you got any questions yourself, you take a moment and you can go and send them in. You can contact me on social media or via email. But for now, it's stay safe and drive safer. Check out the theory test training below.
The Five Minute Theory Podcast bite sized chunks of theory goodness to help you pass your theory test first time - A transcript.
Welcome to season four of the Five Minute Theory Podcast. As always, I'm your host, Terry Cook of TC Drive, and I'm delighted to be here today. I'm going to tell you about the one thing that no one likes to admit about the theory test. But before we do, allow me to tell you about what's coming up on season four. We've got all the usual awesome content, including answering specific theory test questions, which you can send in, by heading over to to find all the social media and email links over there and sending in those questions that you need to answer. But we're also going to be covering some more general topics and will be joined by some driving instructors who will be giving you some top tips on passing that theory test. We've also got some very special extended episodes planned, going into certain topics in more detail and we've got a few very exciting announcements coming up over the next few weeks. But you're going to have to hang fire for that, because for now, we're going to dive into the main topic of the show. The one thing that no one likes to admit, that's that the theory test is boring. It's true, a lot of the theory test isn't very interesting at all, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth doing. A lot of people only learn the theory because they have to learn the theory to be able to book a driving test. But it helps so much more than that. Learning and understanding the theory will help you learn to drive. It will help you pass your theory test. It will help you pass your driving test. It will help keep you driving safe and legally on the roads once you've actually passed that driving test. As an example of this, I once asked an experienced driver what a blue 30 sign meant. Imagine a blue circle sign with the numbers of 30 inside it. I asked them what it meant, and they assumed it meant a maximum speed of 30. It doesn't. It means that the minimum speed is 30 miles an hour. So, I asked them what they would do if they saw that blue 30 sign and there was a police car behind them and they said they probably do about 27 miles an hour. That would obviously run the risk of getting pulled by the police. And that came about because they didn't know what that sign meant. They were not up to date with the theory. They hadn't taken time to learn it. "So, learning and understanding the theory is obviously really helpful to people to learn and drive and staying safe. So, if you're only interested in passing and don't care about learning, this probably isn't a podcast for you." I really recommend to everyone that you take time to learn that theory. There's a whole host of resources out there that you can use. You're listening to one now. You're in the right place. There's a whole back catalogue we've got that you can go and check out and there's a lot more episodes to come, to help you even more. One of the things I'm going to be doing every episode this season is giving you an additional resource. I'm going to be suggesting to you an additional resource and today is Theory Test Explained. Now theory test explained is one to one theory training provided by the theory test specialist Chris Bensted. So, if you've been struggling or you really want to develop, go check out the show notes and you'll find a link there that you can click on to go straight through to Theory Test Explained or go on to Facebook and just type it in the search bar. Theory Test Explained. It will come up. Now, Chris Benstead has been kind enough to offer an exclusive discount for listeners of the show. You'll get a £10 discount if when you speak to him, you quote the phrase, ‘It’s Terry Time!’. So, when you speak to him, mention that it's Terry Time and you'll get a £10 discount on Theory Test Explain one to one training and you will also get a free review mock test. So go and check it out using the show notes or search for online. But as I was saying before, the Theory Test really helps you learn to drive. If you know the difference between a solid white line and a broken white line, if you know what a stop sign means or what the stop sign looks like, if you know the difference between stop and give way, if you know the sequence of traffic lights, what a flashing amber light means. Not only are you more likely to pass that theory test first time and save a whole heap of money, you're also more likely to pass your driving test first time and drive a hell of a lot safer. So, as always going forward, I'm going to be giving you loads of hints and tips to help you learn, understand, and pass the Theory Test. I'm going to ask you all one little favour as I wrap up. If you find these podcasts useful, make sure you share them. Share them on social media and share them with your friends. I want to help people and I can help people if they hear it, so go and share it. And if you're feeling extra generous, you can go on to Spotify, you can go on to Facebook, or you can go on to Apple and leave me a little five-star review as well. So, for more information, head over to Over there you can find all my resources, all of the links for my social media stuff, and you can find the links for my Theory Test training course as well. But for now, remember: Stay safe and drive safer. Quote 'It's Terry Time' to get a £10 discount and FREE mock test review at Theory Test Explained. Listen here: |
AuthorTerry Cook. Archives
September 2023
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